Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I-Pad Welcome Pages

My plans for attacking this project is to choose the product M&M's and change the pages by holiday seasons...

I am going to make the background images with different colours of M&M's:

For Valentines; a heart made of M&Ms in reds, pinks, whites and golds

For St Patrick's; shamrocks with streams of various shades of green M&Ms running down the page

For Easter; "petals" of M&Ms in pastel colours running around the edge of the screen in a colour wheel pattern, forming a white space flower in the middle

For The 4th of July; a wave of patriotic colours flowing across the page.(reds,whites and blues)

For Christmas; a sketched tree with M&Ms as ornaments, in reds, greens, and golds

Overlaid with the Grid portion of this project;

a top portion that covers the personalization available for M&Ms. Followed by 6-9 products that M&Ms offers that will vary by seasons too.

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