Monday, April 19, 2010

Homework 10- colour part 2

1 How can color help increase the illusion of depth?

in most cases, cool, low-intensity colours tend to recede, while warm, high-intensity colours tend to advance

2 How can designers utilize color for emphasis?

designers often use colour to emphasize critical information in a composition

3 Why do human beings respond emotionally to color?

colour appeals to our sense of vision in the same way that music appeals to our sense of hearing

4 What are your favorite colors and what emotions do you associate with them?

my favorite colours are all shades of green, green is associated with growth, renewal, health, environment, jealousy, envey, and inexperiance

5 Why is symbolic color always culturally specific?

because colours mean different things in different countries. for example, here, in america, white is associated with weddings, in japan white is associated with mourning and funerals.

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