Monday, April 19, 2010

Homework 11- Critical Thinking

1 How might professional graphic designers establish project criteria differently than students?

they probably wont. in order to do any project you need to use criticak thinking skills

2 Discuss how subject matter, topic, content and meaning are inter-related.

Subject matter is the starting point for your art, Content can be seen as a refinement of subject matter, and Form is the physical manifestation of your artistic vision, expression, and communication.

3 What is the purpose of a critique?

so an artist or a designer can identify strengths and weaknesses in a project and determine the improvements that need to be made.

4 What's the best way to prepare for a critique? How can you contribute to a positive critique session?

whether you are giving or receiving advice, come with your mind open, rather than your fists closed.

5 Compare and contrast subjective and objective criticism.

objective critiques focus on observable facts. subjective critiques focus on feeling, intentions, and implications

6 Describe a self-assignment that you might want to do between semesters.

a self assignment that can be done between semesters.... hmm... i have a week betweeen semesters.... nothing comes to mind...

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