Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I-Pad Welcome Pages

My plans for attacking this project is to choose the product M&M's and change the pages by holiday seasons...

I am going to make the background images with different colours of M&M's:

For Valentines; a heart made of M&Ms in reds, pinks, whites and golds

For St Patrick's; shamrocks with streams of various shades of green M&Ms running down the page

For Easter; "petals" of M&Ms in pastel colours running around the edge of the screen in a colour wheel pattern, forming a white space flower in the middle

For The 4th of July; a wave of patriotic colours flowing across the page.(reds,whites and blues)

For Christmas; a sketched tree with M&Ms as ornaments, in reds, greens, and golds

Overlaid with the Grid portion of this project;

a top portion that covers the personalization available for M&Ms. Followed by 6-9 products that M&Ms offers that will vary by seasons too.

colour exercises

Monday, April 19, 2010

Homework 11- Critical Thinking

1 How might professional graphic designers establish project criteria differently than students?

they probably wont. in order to do any project you need to use criticak thinking skills

2 Discuss how subject matter, topic, content and meaning are inter-related.

Subject matter is the starting point for your art, Content can be seen as a refinement of subject matter, and Form is the physical manifestation of your artistic vision, expression, and communication.

3 What is the purpose of a critique?

so an artist or a designer can identify strengths and weaknesses in a project and determine the improvements that need to be made.

4 What's the best way to prepare for a critique? How can you contribute to a positive critique session?

whether you are giving or receiving advice, come with your mind open, rather than your fists closed.

5 Compare and contrast subjective and objective criticism.

objective critiques focus on observable facts. subjective critiques focus on feeling, intentions, and implications

6 Describe a self-assignment that you might want to do between semesters.

a self assignment that can be done between semesters.... hmm... i have a week betweeen semesters.... nothing comes to mind...

Homework 10- colour part 2

1 How can color help increase the illusion of depth?

in most cases, cool, low-intensity colours tend to recede, while warm, high-intensity colours tend to advance

2 How can designers utilize color for emphasis?

designers often use colour to emphasize critical information in a composition

3 Why do human beings respond emotionally to color?

colour appeals to our sense of vision in the same way that music appeals to our sense of hearing

4 What are your favorite colors and what emotions do you associate with them?

my favorite colours are all shades of green, green is associated with growth, renewal, health, environment, jealousy, envey, and inexperiance

5 Why is symbolic color always culturally specific?

because colours mean different things in different countries. for example, here, in america, white is associated with weddings, in japan white is associated with mourning and funerals.

Homework 9 Color


1 How do scientists approach color differently than artists?

scientists study wavelengths, effects, and molecular structure individually. an artist combines all of these areas

2 What kind of artists use additive color? What about subtractive color?

additive-lighting designers, videographers, and website artists.

subtractive- painters, printmakers, illistrators

3 Based on the commonly used 12 step color wheel, what are the primary colors? The secondary colors?

primary- red - blue - yellow

secondary- purple - green - orange

4 What are the cool colors? And the warm colors? Which tend to recede and which advance?

Warm- magenta - reds - oranges - and yellows

cool- dark purples - blues - and greens

receed- cool colours

advance- warm colours

5 What are the three basic characteristics of color?

hue , value and intensity

6 Explain the difference between HUE vs. SATURATION.

hue is the name of colour, saturation is how intense the colour is

7 What is the purpose of "color schemes"?

colour schemes are critical to the sucess or failure of a design. you create unity and harmony.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010