Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Homework 8: Problem Seeking Problem Solving

1. Why is understanding design principles alone not enough to become an artist?
composition is only part of the puzzle, ideas being expressed by artists and
designers have become more varied and complex. Conceptual invention is just as
important as compositional strength. When the concept is fresh and the
composition is compelling, expression and communication expand.

2. How is the process different for fine and commercial artists?
designers usually solve problems presented by clients, artists usually invent
aesthetic problems for themselves

3. Compare convergent and divergent thinking: What is similar? What is different?
How do designers usually think and why?
divergent thinking is nonlinear and more open ended then convergent thinking.
it is less predictable and may lead to creative breakthrough

4. Where do ideas come from?
ideas come from many sources, including common objects, nature, mythology,
and history

5. What are some techniques for generating lots of ideas?
brainstorming, visual research, variations on a theme, an open mind

6. How can you become a better artist?
by engaging your heart, your eye, your hand, and your mind, you can fully use
your emotional, perceptual, technical, and conceptual resources to create your
very best work

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