Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Homework 7: Read Cultivating Creativity

1.  Compare your creative process with that of Roger Von Oech. Where are your strengths and weaknesses?
The judge, I tend to look at the possabilities of what I am doing as I am doing it
2.  Why is creative thinking as important as any technical skill?
to be effective, an artist or designer can't simply follow instructions. Through creative thinking, old habits are broken and familiar patterns of thught are transformed.
3.  Which of the seven characteristics of creative thinking describe your personality best? Which ones do you need to cultivate more?
connection seeking
4.  What are some ways to manage your time?
set the stage, prioritize, see the big picture, work sequentially, use parts to create the whole, make the most of class time, start early, work together.
5.  What are some ways to reduce stress?
good nights sleep, breathing techniques, visualization techniques.
6  Do the goal setting exercise on pages 112-113, then describe your top four goals along with a rough timetable (be sure your goals are "good" goals).
to finnish remodeling home- 6mo; learn spanish-1-2yrs; learn web design-2yrs; go to 2012 olympics-2yrs

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