Saturday, February 13, 2010

1. Why is value relative?
-it is the relative lightness or darkness of a surface
2. Why might high contrast be especially important to commercial artists?
-because high contrast tends to increase clarity and improve readability causing a stronger message.
3. How can value help create an illusion of volume, space and depth?
- shadows, atmospheric perspective and lighting.
4. How many different devices are there to show depth? Name them.
-there are 5. overlap, size variation, definition, location, and colour
5. In order to understand linear perspective, what must be present?
- a fixed position of the viewer, a vanishingpoint, horizon lines, and a cone of vision
6. What is the difference between one-point perspective and two-point perspective?
-how many vanishing points the object has.
7. What kind of linear perspective is closest to what you see in photography?
8. When would it be appropriate to use depth in composition? When should it be avoided?
-use depth when you want the illusion of space. it should be avoided when using high contrast.

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