Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Homework 13: Semester Reflection

1. What you have learned doing your assignments?
the organizational process for producing a piece of graphic design
2. Which assignment(s) were most useful?
the grid
3. Which assignment(s) were the least useful?
the colour exercises
4. What assignment was your favorite? Why?
the poster project, because, since we got to choose who to do it on it made it more fun to do. also, the complete outcome of the class was really cool to see.
5. What assignment was your least favorite? Why?
the book cover project, because i just felt lost while doing it.

Homework 12: Constructing Meaning (pages 158-175)

1. How can iconography help graphic designers and digital artists communicate ideas?
it provides us with a way to analyze the meaning of images and objects.
2. Why might target audience affect design decisions?
when the bridge between the image and the audiences explicit, communication can occur almost instantaneously.
3. Should stereotypes and cliches be used in graphic design? Why or why not?
yes, stereotypes should be used because they are often used to create a bridge on which communication is based on preconceptions, they require little thought.
no, cliches should not be used because they are over used and predictable. they become worn out when used repeatedly.
4. Compare and contrast analogy and metaphor.
an analogy creates a general connection between unrelated objects or ideas.
a metaphor is more explicit, a substantial shift in meaning occurs when a metaphoric used
5. What is your personal definition of aesthetics?
something that is pleasing to the eye
6. Compare and contrast modernism vs. postmodernism.
modernism is a wide range of individual movements beginning in Europe in latter part of the 19th century.
post-modernism is widely described as contemporary art and design.